How can make the smoothed vtk mesh vertices distribute evenly? - Stack Overflow

After smoothing the contour constructed by MatchingCubes with below codes, contour=vtk.vtkMarchingCubes() smoother = vtk.vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter() The result seem like below. Some vertices

OVERGRID man page

mesh - reseting/evenly distributing vertices - Blender Stack Exchange
GitHub - MeshInspector/MeshLib: Mesh processing library


cgal/Installation/ at master · CGAL/cgal · GitHub
meshpy/src/cpp/tetgen.h at main · inducer/meshpy · GitHub
OFprimer-v2012 1, PDF, Computational Fluid Dynamics
For implementing WebGL what are the pros and cons of Three.js vs Babylon.js? - Quora

libMesh: libMesh::Edge3 Class Reference

vertices - How to precisely select a very wide mesh? - Blender Stack Exchange